In some of the most recent statistics available from the ABS, it shows that there were 118 401 marriages in Australia in 2016, and 46 604 divorces took place in that same year. Civil celebrants married 76.4% of the couples at those wedding s in 2016, which shows the steep and steady decline of religions in Australia. The median age of females marrying is 29.9 YO and of males 31.0 YO. The majority of brides 81.2% and grooms 79.3% had not been married before. Your perfect wedding will or will not fit within these quoted parameters, but, whatever the case may be, will be a part of this bigger national picture.
Marriage Statistics in Australia
“Lies, damned lies, and statistics,” is the often-quoted statement from Mark Twain’s writings. This refers to how statistics can be used to prop up any argument via their selective application. The marriage and divorce figures above can tell us that double the number of people are getting married compared to the number getting divorced in Australia in 2016. I would imagine the number of marriages may substantially increase in the short-term, with the introduction of same sex marriage in this nation.
Unique & Individual Weddings
Above or, perhaps, below, these base figures, lie the unique and individual weddings taking place in the lives of many Australians. Check this out for a look at some of the quirky facts about weddings in history from a variety of cultures and civilisations. Brides and grooms, often, seek to find a ceremony that will speak to their particular circumstances and interests. A marriage may be a social institution, but in the 21C, couples, often, want to do it their way. Your perfect wedding may involve a turban and a white horse. Alternatively, your perfect wedding may by conducted on the beach sans clothing. Whatever tickles your fancy can be a part of the modern Australian wedding.
New & Fresh Wedding Ideas
What will you do to make your wedding uniquely yours? Are you culturally bound to some format via religion or social custom? Weddings are, often, directed by families and communities, because of their innately social fabric. Still many couples seek a point of difference, whether it be cosmetic or more substantial, to make their wedding something new and fresh. There are many websites out there promising a cornucopia of wedding ideas and it is worth checking these out to see if one or two ideas may appeal.